Maintaining employment in your Company using Long Term Partial Activity
LAWBACH presented the WEBINAIRE RH for Seine Ouest Entreprise et Emploi on 19 January 2021 on the maintenance of employment within the company using the Long Term Partial Activity (Activité Partielle Longuer Durée - APLD). Created by the 2nd emergency law of 17 June 2020 and in force since 31 July 2020, the APLD is one of the measures included in the Government’s recovery plan.
The aim of this measure is to ensure that employment is maintained in companies that face a lasting reduction in activity without threatening their sustainability.
The APLD should not be confused with the classic partial activity (under ordinary law and the derogatory partial activity linked to the pandemic). It is a specific model proper to the health crisis.
The APLD is a tool to be favoured in case of:
- decrease in sustainable activity,
- lack of short-term visibility of the company, with a view to a return to normal activity,
- need to reduce the wage bill,
- preserve the jobs and skills of employees,
- make commitments to maintain jobs.
Review the WEBINARY